Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Truth About Commerical


There are different types of commercials one of them is emotional appeal which means it shows emotion it makes you laugh or it makes you cry. That is you  showing emotion, many commercials are funny because it is light hearted and  wants to get you to laugh and that way it would make you buy the product. They also make commercials sad so that you feel bad and help them by, buying the product .Check out the first video for an example. Another type of commercial is name calling commercial. This means putting another product down to make is seem like yours is  better. For example if I make a commercial I might know that another one is better so I would want to put it down. So that other people will like mine better and they might go along with the trick that mine is better and buy it. Check out the second video for an example.  More information on types of commercials CLICK HERE .

In this first video it is sad because many kids are getting bullied
when they haven't done anything wrong. When you are feeling
upset you might not want to see it because you might cry.
The reason this is emotional appeal is that if you do cry or feel sad
then you are showing your emotion, and that is why you call it
emotional appeal.

This is a name calling commercial because atat is putting down Verizon. Therefor
there trying to say that atat has faster loading  then verizon. A lot of commercials
like to have competition so this will be a example of that because atat is putting down
is saying that the loading isn't fast and that is a smart commercial because loading
is something that many people get annoyed by because it is not fast enough people
want to be up to date on this fastest loading phone.

My Opinion

    I feel emotional appeal grabs a lot of peoples attention. Personally I think that it is the most influential type of commercial because of what it makes people feel something in side. For example, if a commercial is sad and makes us feel sorry or makes us feel like we have done something  wrong. We might stop and think about the actions that we need to take. In order to take an action, we need to feel something in are heart to tell us to do that. We might start by seeing a commercial and getting touched by it and then doing it. I feel that if a commercial is making us feel a certain way it has a ten times better chance of getting us to do something. What  I like about the commercial is how it is saying how words can hurt just as mush as fists can. The strategies used that will make me want to do it. I feel bad on  how the girl that is getting bullied ,but doesn't say anything ,so that is telling me that if someone were to go through that I will stick up for them. I fell that the target is for kids that are getting bullied and for kids that are seeing other people get bullied. I think that message will get across because it is so sad and when I see something sad it makes me want to get up and do it , make the change.

    Some thing that I feel about name calling commercials  is that a lot of people focus on the other products and try to put there product down when they should focus on the product that there making and try to improve it, but censes there so focus on other peoples work. They don't realize or say to them self " Maybe there is room to improve, maybe  I a can make my product more useful so that I can get the customers  I want." Of them not realizing that, there getting less people to buy it. This is way I think of name calling is  not  useful. I  also think that this is targeted for normal people in every day use of there phone and what I mean by normal is like people who aren't trying to finding out what the latest phone is and update there phone every minute, just for people who want a phone to talk and text that's all. I do like commercial I just don't think it will sell many of these phones because it doesn't have that nice catch or name that will stick in to your head. What I do like about this commercial is that it not saying that Verizon isn't fast there just showing the comparison so Verizon is ok, just not as fast as there's. Some stuff they did make me want to but it like the visual is good and it is funny how the guy comes out of the "phone." for more information click here.

                                                   Top 5 Emotional Appeal
This commercial is emotional because it is funny how the kids are dancing. I feel
like the commercial is for kids because they will find this commercial funny
and there the once that have sweets. A lot of adults cut sweets out of there diet
so this might not be targeted for them.

This commercial is  emotional because it is funny how the polar bear is knocking in to
everyone. It is unusual for a polar bear to fight for a drink. This bear wants to be the
very first to drink out of it and that is what makes it special.

This commercial is emotional appeal because it is funny how
the little dog knocks down the whole door. I feel that this
commercial is targeted for kids and teens because a lot of
adults are on diets and wont eat that. Also the dog is super
cute so that makes it even better for teenage girls.

I think this commercial is emotional appeal because it is
not normal how the cat  runs through the wall. This cat might be
funny to some boys so there is that target they can go for. I
feel that this is targeted for young people that have cats.

I feel that this is emotional appeal because I like the fact that a cat is talking. This is  a
movie for kids and a funny one so I think this commercial is targeted for young kids.
Maybe some people that are into the movie.

                                             Top 5 Name Calling commercials

I feel this is name calling the dell tablet is putting down the I Pad. This commercial I
feel that is targeted for college students or parents' that need to but something
for there kids on a holiday. They  are putting this I pad because it is one of the
most popular tablets that people have.

This is a name calling commercial because there putting down the I Pad.
This commercial is also attacking the I pad because appeal is a great company and makes good
products' that a lot of people like. So other company are trying to make it look bad so that they can get more sales.

This is name calling because Verizon is saying that it is
better that atat. This commercial i feel is targeted for older people.
Verizon isn't really ruing anybody there just saying who has  a better

This is a name calling commercial because atat is saying that
it is better than Verizon. This commercial is targeted for people
who like Verizon. I feel that atat is trying to steal Verizon

This last one is also a name calling commercial because it is putting down the I Pad. I feel
that this is targeted for I pad lovers. There trying to seal there costumers.



The challenge is to tell me what your favorite type of commercials is  and what your least favorite is.
Would you ever make your own commercial? My final thought is that name calling isn't useful and emotional appeal is.
For more information CLICK HERE.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Clay Army is here?

Clay Army


Over 2,000 years ago China became destiny. Qin -Shi Huang at the age of 13 became abused with his death. So abused  he made his soldiers build him a clay army so that the army can protect him while he is dead. It took 2000 people to build this army. Many of his soldiers would disagree with his plan. When this happened he would drunken them then bury them alive. The people that usually got killed were kids and woman.

My Opinion

I dislike Qin-Shi Huang because it was very selfish of him jut to bury kids and woman just because they had different opinions then he did. Theses people had there whole lives ahead of them they had dreams that wanted to achieve but they couldn't because Qin-Shi Huang  couldn't accept there difference. Another reason I don't like him is he put about 2000 people to work because of his clay army a lot of the people didn't even have a choose to work as his soldiers and it was unfair they couldn't tell him what they really felt.
Qin Shi Huang

Top Ten Facts                                         

1.each one of the clay sculptors has a unique face 1974 the clay soldiers were found
3.1000 were found
4. greatest archeological discovery in the world
5. the clay soldiers were based off of real people
6.rear to find one with undamaged head or hands
7.shortest one is 5feet,8inches
8. tallest one was 6 feet,6 inches
9.there were animal figures too
10.Qin Shi Huang's made the Great Wall that's up in China




Would you like Qin-Shi Huang if you were one of his soldiers?
My Answer: I would not like him if I were one of his soldiers because he wouldn't let my tell him my ides. I also don't like the fact that I might of gotten killed if I did say something.


Class Blog- 2 paragraph- top ten list

National Geographic- 1 paragraph-top ten list

Time For Kids- 1 paragraph


More information:


Live Science

                                                                     The Great Wall

Friday, October 4, 2013

SuperCroc biggest of them all

SuperCroc in action.


 90 million years ago the T-Rex wasn't the scariest animal any more. He was 40 feet long and even the famous T-Rex bows done to him. His name is SuperCroc. Dinosaur eater, heavier than a elephant, biggest crocodile to ever walk on earth he was at the top of the food chain. SuperCroc hunted the sea and land no matter what, your still are unsafe. He is out there waiting for his revenge supercroc has had enough. No one will have to experience the bites of supercroc ever again.

               My Opinion  

This is a comparison between supercrocs head a humans head.
  He is the scariest Croc ever.  SuperCroc lived for millions of  years. His tale whips all over and can kill you with one bite. When he's near you, you feel like a mouse. If I were ever to come face to face with SuperCroc I would be scared to death. As seen in the article "SuperCroc" By Peter Winkler " SuperCroc is one of the most powerful animals to ever rome earth. His skull alone is six feet. We can all just say that supercroc was  undefeated.

                     Top Ten Facts
                       1.Fish eater
                       2. turtle
                       3. dinosaur eater
                       4.heavy as a small whale    
                       5.lived 110 million years ago                                        
                       6.aramored plate coverd his back                                        
                       7.he was fond in Africa                                         
                       8.he had a knob on his nose                                                  
              of the strongest animals back then                                          
                       10. 132 teeth                                           

for more information click here:

Challenge of the week: in the comments below write down the animal you fear the most.