Friday, December 20, 2013

The upcoming year

The thing that impacted me where a lot of the new songs that where made this year. Some of my favorite songs where made like 'What does the fox say? or I have found my favorite songs like "Headphones" by Britt Nicole.

The thing that impacted me the most in my life was when my was the day my dad went to the hospital witch was April 11of this year. He went because he had diabetes but didn't know about it. It impacted me the most because I didn't know how bad diabetes could be but when my dad got it I knew how bad it was.
The other thing that is tied with my dad was when my Great-grandmother passed away. She was 96 years old when she died  and it impacted me a lot because I remember the day she told me that her goal in life was to make it to 100 years old. She didn't make it and that made me sad .
That is what these two things impacted my life the most.

This is picture of dad, great-grandmother
and I.
The news event that I am going to remember the most was the school shooting that happened. I feel that it was a very sad moment for all and is just really thought me that anything can happen to anyone and that I should be more careful. It was the news event that thought me the most and I hope that this will never happen ever again.
I am looking forward in 2014 is a lot of peace. For everyone to be healthy. I am also looking forward to better grades I am going to try even harder to get to my goal witch is to have every class a A+.



Tell me what you are looking for the upcoming year.


Friday, December 13, 2013

Your brain has autocorrect.


You may not believe it but your brain is smarter than any computer out there. Many computers have autocorrect so if I were to write "cna" it will autocorrect to "can." Your brain actually does that on a regular  basis. For example, mani of yto cen undrestend whst I an tyepng.  When you read this and understands it your brain autocorrecting. Many scientists believe that people don't even have time to realize what there brain is doing because it is happening so quick. Good readers  often don’t read words one letter at a time. Instead, most readers  just recognize the  words by  seeing the first and last letters of the word. These are the things they are looking for,  length, shape and meaning of the word.


                My Opinion

I feel that are brains are just so cool for doing what they do. A lot of autocorrects that come in phones often don't give you the word you where looking for. So I defiantly think that are brains are smarter than computers. I would never think that we can be more useful to ourselves than any other thing. A lot of the times when we think of the color pink in blue  it takes us a long time to say it is really pink. I think it is amazing how much of a autocorrect we have.

                       Top ten facts about our brain

   Our brain can predict the future.
This is scientifically proven.

Teens brains are not fully formed. They are still getting there.

Your brain is more active when you are asleep. When
you are doing your stuff during the day at night it
goes through every ting you have done to remember it.

4.Men use there brains 10% more than a woman does.
This happens because a mans brain is smaller so they have to think more.

5.Your brain takes up a lot of energy. It does this because
it needs to remember a lot of stuff like sensing memorizing

6.People have different sized brains. People with
large heads have lager brain then a person with a
small head.

7.A brain as no pain. Pain is a warning that something
is happening to us.

Your brain has 100 billion neurons. When we think, laugh
move etc.. it gives a signal to all these neurons.
9.Your brain has two parts the left side and the right side.
The left side of your brain controls the right sided mussels and the
right side controls the left sided mussels.

10.Your brain creates a new wrinkle when you learn something.
We do this to remember what we learned.


Tell me what you favorite fact was and why!


I paragraph -wonderopolis
Top ten list -10 amazing facts about brain you don't know


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Was Santa Clause real ??


  Many people don't believe in Santa Clause but he his real. He was born 270 A.D in a small Greek village in the southern coast which is now Turkey. According to Christian tradition he was named Saint Nicolas because of the many good deeds he did. His good deeds were giving gold to many poor people in his village while they were asleep on Christmas. That is why many people believe that Santa Clause gives gifts to children.

                 My Opinion

  I believe that  Santa was alive back then. I don't believe that he is still around today. It is true that there was a Saint Nick, but that was very long ago.  I feel that it was very nice of Saint Nick to give gold to poor people. I think  that is was vey unselfish and kind for him to think of other people that way. Because of his good deed, he is very popular. That was not his intension witch means he didn't give that to people gold  just to become famous. He did it out of the kindness of his heart.

 Top Ten People who I believe have done good for other people

1.Abraham Lincoln- He had many challenges to achieve his goal. He wanted to abolishment slavery. Because of his famous speech Gettysburg he got to his goal and also became the most influential American President.
2.Martin Luther King- Inspiring leader of the non-violent civil rights movement. He fought for African Americans to be treated the as white men and woman.
3.Mother Teresa- Went out of her way to help others. Expected nothing in return all she wanted was for people to be happy.
4.Malala Yousafzai- A school girl who fought woman's education. She was one  of the youngest people to receive a Nobel Prize.
5. Nelson Mandela- Fought to help to freedom of South American. Spent a lot of time getting beat up just because she shared her ideas.
6.Mahatma Gandhi - . He did all things non-violent because he didn't believe in physically hurting someone.  He stopped eating "sugar" only so he could tell a child to give up sugar. He  lives by the phrase, "be the change you wish to see".
7.George Washington - First president of the United States. Fought in a war to portect hies country.
8.Winston Churchill - Fought against the Nazi. Not for him but for his people.
9.Anwar El Sadat - Third president of Egypt that worked for the better. He worked to bring his region at peace.
10.Jesus  Christ- Cared for others for very unselfish reasons. He sacrificed his life for us.


My challenge is for you to tell be in the comment below the 2 people you think have done good for others.
My question is " Do you believe Saint Nick is still alive today?"
My final thought is I don't believe Saint Nick is around today but I do believe he was alive in the past.


Paragraph 1- wonderopolis
Top ten list (1-5)-biographyonline
Top ten list (6-9)-managing-change



