Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why is it called black friday?


Have you ever wonder why we have Black Friday or why it is called Black Friday? One reason they call it Black Friday is because in stores the color red means losing money and the color black means getting money. So this became a tradition that the day after Thanksgiving it  will be the day to make a lot of money. In order to do that, they put out lots of sales. That is the reason why we call it Black Friday. The reason we have Black Friday is so that it makes the person that is buying something get it for a really cheap prices because everything is on sale and that also gives the store money because of the sales they have because most people would want to buy something that is cheaper than the original price.
Here are some people trying to get a head start on the sales.

               My Opinion

I think that it is smart name to call it Black Friday and to have it because it gives everybody a chance to get something that they want. The customer wants to buy something so they get it , and the people in the store get her money. Sometimes I do think that Black Friday could get a little out of hand so I think that if someone were to go shopping during this day to really be careful.

                Top Ten items not to but during Black Friday.

1. Fitness Equipment- Can be found cheaper in January. Cheaper because it is a start to get fit and it can be on people new years resolution.                            
2. Auto Supplies- Can be found cheaper in the Spring. That is when you can get the best deals.
3.Winter Clothes- Tend to cost more in the season needed. It is cheaper because they want to get winter clothes out of the way to get the summer stuff in.
4.Toys- Better deals can be found  two weeks before Christmas. It is cheaper because of the sales it has for Christmas.
5.Tools- Can be found cheaper around Fathers Day. It is cheaper because it is something the kids sometimes will get,a tool there dad wants.
6. Home Improvements Supplies-Can be found cheaper around Fathers Day. It is cheaper because it is the type of thing a kid will get his/her dad.
7. Holiday décor- They have better deals during the end of the season. It is not something you would usually buy at the end so they make it cheaper so that they will get rid of that stock.
8. High End T.V Sets- At this time company's tend to focus more in lower end T.V. products. So it will be better not to but it and just wait for it to be a normal day.
9. Gas Grills- Can be cheaper in September. I think it is because it is starting to be cold and people have less BBQ.
10. Electron Accessories- They become higher than original prices. That is because they actual electronic becomes cheaper.


                Are you going Black Friday shopping if so what are you going to buy? My final thought is that Black Friday could get out of hand so it would be best if everyone has a safe time shopping. My challenge is for you to think about  what your buying and when you are buying it.


                                 wonderopolis- Introduction
                                  news10- top ten list

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Why is my foot asleep?


Have you ever wondered why your foot or leg has fallen asleep? This is 100% normal often people  might think it is the lack of blood flowing to that part of your body. This can be one reason but not exactly right, have you ever sat on your leg for a long time then once you get up it is asleep this happens because as you are sitting on it ,your compressing your nervous. When you do this that part of your body temporality looses communication with your brain. When you give your  leg some time or change the form of your sitting your brain and your leg start to "talk" again.

           My Opinion

My foot goes to sleep all of the time! Most of the time it is because I am sitting on it or I have not moved it in a long time. The reason I choose this topic is because I started to think that it was not normal but according to wonderopolis it is normal for anything to fall asleep like your leg, foot and even arm. I do feel that it is still not too safe to sit on my foot all the time. Even though my foot is just temporality loosing connection with my brain it is scary to know that I cant really control my foot for that time. Although people say that it is because of your blood flowing that is still a reason why your foot fell asleep. I  now think that I may never sit on my foot or leg again. That pins and needles feeling is not going to happen to me as often now that I know why it happens.


 Tell me that now you know  how your foot falls asleep  you will be more careful or less careful of your foot falling asleep.




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