Thursday, January 23, 2014

Role Moldeles


Role models are the examples of many kids. Many role models have been bulled or  are being bullied this give many of the strength, they inspire others and show them what is right and what is wrong. This what a  role model is. A lot of people think that role models have to be perfect and they don't they just have to know what is right and wrong and they also have to know which one to choose. That is being a role model.  
I think that Zendaya is a great role model because
she always does the right thing  and knows
how to act at the right time.

                      My Opinion

I feel that role models are imperfect people. This is the only way to become a role model, is to learn from your mistakes. They have to set the example for others. I think that role models has to be kind to all people and helpful, so it is very easy to become a role model you just have to know what to do.  Zendaya  is a good role model because she knows what she is doing, she know what is going on and how to act. She is always knowing what to do at the right time and this I why she is a good role model. I t is important for others to know about role models because they need to know who to look up at . I also think it is important because you can also learn how to become a role model yourself.


Final thought- My role model is Zendaya.

Challenge - for the rest of the week try to become someone's role model.

Question- who is your role model and why? 


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