Friday, March 14, 2014

When is it ok to have candy.


Is it ok to have candy? Of corse it is! Having candy in moderation  is ok. Moderation is when you  something and avoid the extermes. It can also mean to spread out the times you eat,drink or  do something. Having candy takes a lot of moderation beacuse you can easily get a stomach ace or a head ace or even cavites. So when you have candy make sure not to have to much at the same time. It is ok if you have 1 or 2 pieces but done have anymore then that at one time. I would only have about 3 pieces a week.
Above is a oicture of candy. Pleses do not eat   this
amount at one time.

            My Opioion 

I think that when you have candy in moderation it is a great thing. When i have candy  no matter what type it is i never have to much of it. My favarite type of candy are jolly ranchers or any type of  chocolate. I love chocolate  and I sometimes have to remind myslf not to have to much! This is what I think oyou should no about when is the right time to have chocolate.

Challenge- try going for one whole week with out eating any candy!

Question- whay is your favarite candy?

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