Friday, March 7, 2014

How to get a collection?


This is a pezz collection.This is the bigiest collection
I have seen. It would be great if I get his many monkeys!
Do you want to get a collection? If you said  yes here is how. First you need to think about what you want to collect and where to put your collection. Collection can get really big so make sure to have a  lot of space.  A collection can something that takes time and money so when you start out make sure you have both of those things. Make sure to be very specific when choosing a topic.

                                                               My opinion

I think have a collection is great. I have one of my own it is a mi key collection so far I have 13 stuffed animal monkey. So far my collections small but I hope that in the future I can have much more. I honestly think have a collection is good because it gives you something to look forward to and be responsible for them. This is why having a collection if great.

 Final Thought-I think that if you have a collection you I will be a happier person.
Question-Do you have a collection.
Challenge-Create a collection.

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